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My name is Anna Palienko. I was born in Israel, but originally my family is from Ukraine. I moved to Canada in 2008 when I was 8 years old. Growing up I was very interested in art, I liked creating beautiful things without having to use words or sounds. When I went into high school, I took a photography course. It started off as a class I just took because I had nothing else to take, but as I got involved in it, and did the assignments I had to do I started enjoying photography. I realized that photography was another form of art. In the course we had to learn how to use Photoshop, at first I didn’t know how to use it, and hated it, but slowly I grew to love Photoshop. I again realized that Photoshop was another form art. I just finished my fourth year in the photography course, and I can defiantly say I enjoy it. I don’t know if I will have a career in photography and art, but at least I know I have other options. 

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